fredag 1. februar 2008

about us

My classmates and I:

Hi folks. My name is Eirik Fjelde and I’m a second year student at Kongsbakken upper secondary. My classmates and I are studying at the music, dance and drama branch which is divided in two classes. We are following the music direction while another class is following dance and drama, but we also have other subjects like maths, language, history, social studies and geography.

Our Town:

We live in Tromsø, Paradise of north as it is called. About 62 000 people live here. We have many pubs here and the nightlife here is very good. We also have a lot of football fields and other outdoor and indoor sports activities. There are also a lot of local musical activities, and we have a lot of local bands who often play live.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

,, hellO Eirik ! :D
I wiSh tO kOwn yOur cOuntry beCauSe it have tO be beautiful ^^
,See yOu sOOn!,,*

~ Bye Byeeee ________Xx