fredag 25. januar 2008


Our work with the Comenius project has been an interesting experience for most of us.
We have decided what our topic will be, but the play isn’t finished yet. We have a group of students that are working on it. Besides the play we’ve been working in different groups, such as “photo” and “internet”.

We use some of our history and Norwegian lessons for working with Comenius. In addition to the play, some students are working on a power point presentation on the differences and similarities between Sami and Norse myths and fairytales.

Dagny (f), Eirik (m), Torunn (f) and Gaute (m), the four students that are going to Greece in February, are really looking forward to the trip. In addition to the students and the teachers Kari and Janne, the school’s headmaster is going too.

Written by Eline and Dagny

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

,,Hi everybOdyy!
See yOu sOOn,,!¡*
~kiSsesS frOm Spainnn!,,*